Thursday 3 September 2020

Natural Treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy- Herbs Solutions by Nature


What is Peripheral Neuropathy

Do you know how to treat peripheral neuropathy naturally and without using medications and painkillers? There is a way to address this condition without aggressive chemicals. So, what Natural Treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy can you actually apply at home? The treatment is natural, safe and highly effective. There are many people who achieved great results with comra therapy. An alternative method combining low level laser with magnets and light diodes used to awake the healing abilities of your own body. The application is easy and you can do it on your own at home. All the details that you need to start applying comra are provided on the website and you can always ask. However, first of all what are the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy?

The damage of the peripheral nerves which causes pain and weakness in the muscles often results in peripheral neuropathy. It is usually felt in the arms and the legs but can also affect other areas of the body. The symptoms may vary depending on the type of nerves affected. As each of the nerves has its own unique function, the signs of damage could be very different from numbness and tingling to sharp or burning pain. Other symptoms include extreme sensitivity to touch, lack of coordination, inability to move, heat intolerance, digestive problems, changes in the blood pressure etc.

5 Herbal Supplement for Peripheral Neuropathy

Here is a list of Herbal Supplement for Peripheral Neuropathy that are found to be good for managing peripheral neuropathy. Some findings are limited to animal studies while some have been confirmed by human studies.

Before using any herb for neuropathy and nerve pain relief, please confirm with your health practitioner to avoid any drug interactions.

Though many individuals have reported that use of herbs and dietary supplements have completely resolved symptoms of neuropathy, it is best to look forward to these herbs as potential add-on therapy (yes they are more beneficial than conventional therapy alone) and as an agent to augment the effect of regular therapy.

1. Lions Mane Mushroom

Lion’s mane mushroom, or hedgehog mushroom, is a fungal supplement popularly used in Chinese medicine. Its name derives from the fact that it appears like the scruff of a lion.

Despite its shaggy appearance, it bears many health benefits. In particular, it has strong brain boosting and cancer-fighting abilities.

Mainly found in North America, China and Japan, the mushroom was mainly used for culinary purposes.

However, over the past two decades, there has been significant research on its healing properties.

2. Turmeric

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is a perennial herb belonging to the ginger family. A high amount of rainfall supports its growth. Native to southern Asia, it is one of the chief ingredients in most curries.

Turmeric is gaining popularity lately, due to its highly diverse nutrient profile. Its main active constituents include polyphenols, curcumin, curcuminoids, demethoxycurcumin, diarylheptanoids, and tumerone.

Its use offers several benefits to the body and is believed to be able to fight or reverse most diseases.

The herb has several modes of action against nerve damage which makes it a potential home remedy for peripheral neuropathy.

3. Gingko Biloba

Leaves from the Gingko Biloba tree have been used for thousands of years for various medicinal purposes. It is believed to improve memory and sharpen cognition. However, the main benefit is that it aids blood circulation. It acts as an antioxidant and improves blood flow to the brain.

The main active components of the gingko leaf are ginkgolides, bilabolides and flavonoids. In combination, they act as an antioxidant and improve blood flow to the brain.

Peripheral neuropathy is a complex disorder. It arises due to a web of complications within the body.

4. Capsaicin

Capsaicin is a chief constituent of chilli peppers. It is used medically to lower pain associated with muscle/joint damage, arthritis, backache and sprains. It works by catalysing pain signals being sent to the brain.

Chemically, the herb is an alkylamide. It acts at various cation channels and helps in releasing neuropeptides.

Topical application of the capsaicin has demonstrated pain relieving benefits. It is an effective herbal remedy for neuropathic pain relief; though it does not cure the condition, it helps relieve pain with lesser side effects than conventional painkillers.

5. Evening Primrose Oil

Evening primrose oil is obtained from the seeds of flowers of the plant, Oenothera biennis. Traditional evidence suggest that it has several healing powers and is taken as a supplement or applied topically.

The medical benefits of evening primrose can be attributed to the gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) present in it. GLA is an omega-6 fatty acid with anti-inflammatory property.

Alternative Treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy

The most studied modalities include lifestyle modifications with diet and exercise, supplements, and acupuncture. CAM therapies such as yoga, meditation, electrical stimulation, neuromodulatory devices, and cannabis are mentioned as emerging therapies.

Treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy

Treatment either targets the underlying cause, or it aims to provide symptomatic pain relief and prevent further damage.

In the case of diabetic neuropathy, addressing high blood sugars can prevent further nerve damage.

For toxic causes, removing the exposure to a suspected toxin, or stopping a drug, can halt further nerve damage. Medications can relieve pain and reduce burning, numbness, and tingling. The effectiveness of a home remedy varies depending on the person, the severity of the infection, and the quality of the treatment used. There are some natural remedies Peripheral Neuropathy that might help ease your symptoms and keep you from feeling so miserable. 

The use of herbal treatment options can be effective for some when used in conjunction with traditional treatment options. Herbal Remedies for Peripheral Neuropathy and their numerous healing benefits. Natural Remedies for Peripheral Neuropathy can be very effective for the mild symptoms that you experience on a day to day basis. Natural Remedies for Peripheral Neuropathy are the benefit of nature and our nature is the abundant source for all of them. Persons from everywhere all over the world have been ordering Peripheral Neuropathy by Herbs Solutions byNature keeping in attention the end aim to dispose of the disease in light of the fact that its herbal ingredients make it work effectively without any side effects.


Tuesday 1 September 2020

Peyronie's disease for Natural Treatment- Herbs Solutions by Nature

Peyronie's disease

Peyronie disease is a buildup of scar tissue in the penis. It causes the penis to curve during erections. This causes pain.

It is treated with medicine. Some people may need surgery. Natural therapies have been used to ease pain. They should not be used in place of standard care.

What are Symptoms of Peyronie's Disease?

Peyronie's disease signs and symptoms might appear suddenly or develop gradually. In addition to erectile dysfunction (ED) and penile pain, with or without an erection, the most common signs and symptoms of Peyronie's disease include:

  • Flat lumps or a band of hard tissue under the skin of the penis
  • Penis curved upward, downward or bent to one side
  • Narrowing, indentations or an hourglass appearance with a tight, narrow band around the penis shaft
  • Shortening of the penis

Peyronie's disease can go away on its own. However, in most cases, the condition remains stable or worsens. If the bend is severe enough that it prevents successful sexual intercourse or causes significant pain or intense anxiety, talk to your Summa Health Medical Group urologist. While pain during erections usually improves within one to two years, scar tissue and curvature often remain.

Given the fact that calcified plaque buildup is also the structural cause of a curved penis, we should seriously consider the idea that a plant-based and oil-free diet may work as a Natural Treatment for Peyronie’s disease.

What causes Peyronie's disease?

Some researchers believe Peyronie's disease develops following a trauma that causes bleeding inside the penis. This trauma may explain acute cases of Peyronie's disease, but does not explain why most cases develop slowly, or what causes the disease after no apparent traumatic event.

Generally, when the disease heals within a year or so, the plaque does not advance beyond an initial inflammatory phase. However, when the disease lasts for years, the plaque often becomes a tough, fibrous tissue, and calcium deposits may form.


Risk Factors for Peyronie’s Disease?

Anybody can be affected by Peyronie’s disease. But the following factors increase the risk of Peyronie’s disease:

  • Low testosterone
  • Smoking
  • Ageing
  • Undergoing invasive penis procedure such as prostate surgery
  • Low quality erection
  • Other health problems like, diabetes and high blood pressure
  • Family history of Peyronie’s disease
  • Connective tissue disorders’


Alternative Treatment for Peyronie's Disease

Natural Remedies for Peyronie’s Disease they help decrease the problems related to the appearance of leathery tissue underneath the skin.


  • Avoid to Alcohol
  • Avoid to Fried food
  • Avoid to Chocolates
  • Avoid to Sodas
  • Avoid to Soy products


Treatment for Peyronie's disease

Some patients may not need treatment. The symptoms may improve over time or may not get worse. If symptoms progress, treatments may include:

  • Corticosteroid injections into the fibrous band of tissue
  • Potaba (a medicine taken by mouth)
  • Radiation therapy
  • Lithotripsy (high-energy sound waves to break up the fibrous tissue)
  • Verapamil injection (a medicine used to treat high blood pressure)
  • Vitamin E

If your condition progresses to the point where intercourse is not possible, surgery may be done to correct the problem.

herbal product such as “Peyronie's disease” is planned and delivered to treat the disease. It works by enhancing the usefulness of tube in charge of taking sustenance from mouth to the throat. It moreover unwinds the lower esophageal sphincter with the goal that food can be gulped effortlessly. Its herbal properties make it the best treatment alternatives Herbal Supplement for Peyronie's disease accessible all around the world. Persons from everywhere all over the world have been ordering Peyronie's disease by Herbs Solutions by Nature keeping in attention the end aim to dispose of the disease in light of the fact that its herbal ingredients make it work effectively without any side effects.

 Resource Link:

Natural Remedies for Burning Mouth Syndrome Symptoms

Home Remedies for Burning Mouth Syndrome

Burning Mouth Syndrome can be mild or severe, and vary from person to person. Some people describe the burning feeling as comparable to the burning sensation of eating food that’s too hot. Others say that it feels scalding. In milder cases, Burning Mouth Syndrome may cause slight tingling or numbness.

Symptoms of Burning Mouth Syndrome can last for a lengthy period of time. Dealing with constant mouth pain for days, weeks, months, or years can make it difficult to eat or drink, although some people experience relief after eating and drinking.


The symptoms of Burning Mouth Syndrome, including a burning tongue, may:

  • appear suddenly or develop over time
  • come and go or remain constant
  • be mild, moderate, or severe
  • improve when eating or drinking

Burning Mouth Syndrome commonly affects the tongue, but people may also experience discomfort in the:

  • lips
  • gums
  • throat
  • roof of the mouth
  • inside of the cheeks

It is also possible to have symptoms that affect the whole mouth.

Common Burning Mouth Syndrome symptoms include:

  • a burning or scalding sensation in the mouth
  • a bitter or metallic taste
  • a dry mouth
  • difficulty swallowing
  • increased thirst
  • loss of taste


Herbal Treatment for Burning Mouth Syndrome can be primary or secondary. Some research suggests that primary burning mouth syndrome is caused by damage to the nerves that control pain and taste. Secondary burning mouth syndrome is usually caused by an underlying medical condition. Some of the problems that have been linked to secondary burning mouth syndrome.

  • Dry mouth, which can be caused by various medications or underlying health problems
  • Other oral conditions, such as fungal infections, oral lichen planus, or geographic tongue
  • Nutritional deficiencies, such as lack of iron, zinc, folic acid, thiamin, riboflavin, pyridoxine, and cobalamin
  • Dentures, especially if they don't fit well and irritate the mouth
  • Allergies or reactions to foods, additives, dyes or dental work
  • Certain medications, in particular those for high blood pressure
  • Oral habits such as tooth grinding, tongue thrusting, or biting of the tongue .

3 Natural Ways to Treat Burning Mouth Syndrome

Cold water

The first thing you should do if you have scalded your mouth accidentally is to drink cold water. As per the American Academy of Dermatology, if a person has experienced a burn, they should immediately submerge the area in cold water for 10 minutes.

When you have burned the mouth, you should fill your mouth with cold water or put a cube of ice in your mouth for a while.


Having something sweet like honey can even be beneficial when you have burned your mouth. Honey coats the burn and keeps it moist. The sweet and viscous food substance has antimicrobial properties that kill harmful micro-organisms and expedite the healing process.


Mint contains methanol, which reduces the burning sensation in your mouth. Packed with antibacterial properties, mint also reduce the risk of infections. You can apply mint toothpaste on the roof of your tongue or can even chew a mint gum for relief.


When your Burning Mouth Syndrome  is caused by another underlying condition, Herbal Treatment for Burning Mouth Syndrome starts with addressing that condition. Perhaps you need medication and diet changes to resolve your acid reflex. Vitamin supplements may be recommended to resolve a deficiency, like zinc or alpha-lipoic acid. If a medication you’re currently taking might cause your Burning Mouth Syndrome , you may want to discuss other options with your doctor. When Burning Mouth Syndrome  is caused by an oral infection, antibiotics and sometimes pain relievers can deal with the infection.

Primary Burning Mouth Syndrome is a little more challenging to treat because there’s no underlying condition. In some cases, it will resolve on its own over time. You can use natural remedies to decrease the symptoms, like sucking on ice chips (do not chew the ice!) and drinking cold beverages.

Herbal Treatment for Burning Mouth Syndrome

with herbal product such as “Burning Mouth Syndrome” is planned and delivered to treat the disease. It works by enhancing the usefulness of tube in charge of taking sustenance from mouth to the throat. It moreover unwinds the lower esophageal sphincter with the goal that food can be gulped effortlessly. Its herbal properties make it the best treatment alternatives Herbal Supplement for Burning Mouth Syndrome accessible all around the world. Persons from everywhere all over the world have been ordering Burning Mouth Syndrome by Herbs Solutions by Nature keeping in attention the end aim to dispose of the disease in light of the fact that its herbal ingredients make it work effectively without any side effects. Natural remedies for Burning Mouth Syndrome are most common natural approach for manage this condition without any side effective and fight the symptoms and treat the Causes of Burning Mouth Syndrome disorder.

Resource Links:

Friday 11 October 2019

Natural Vitamins for Eyes Health Include with Some Natural Remedies

Natural Vitamins for Eyes Health

Unfortunately, too many of us have experienced puffy eyes, blurry vision, dry eyes and eyes inflammation. And regularly we pay a visit to our optometrist when eye signs get more serious. In the interim, however, there are daily habits you can pick up that will help healthier eyes in the long run. Research supports the fact that taking natural vitamin like fish oil, vitamin C, and zinc promote eye health and lessen ailments like dryness and inflammation. One of the most important supplements—omega-3 fatty acids—has been clinically studied for their benefits on eye health. Eating the right Natural Vitamins for Eyes Health can provide a brilliant defense against vision problems that often arrive later in life.

Natural Remedies for Eye Health

Early treatments for eye health problems can stop them from getting worse. So people who observe changes in their vision should schedule a complete eye exam with an optometrist or ophthalmologist. How you take care of your eyes every day with home care, using Natural Remedies for Eye Health, is priceless. Taking care of them begins with learning how, applying a few tips and natural vitamin for eyes health include with some natural remedies.

Vitamins for Eyes Health

There are several different natural vitamin for eyes health, numerous of which your body makes naturally, that can be taken as supplements to improve your overall health and vision. Highlighted below are the specific vitamins for specific eye health such as, Blepharitis, Eye Bags and Retinal Vein Occlusion etc that can help with eye health and how they work:

Vitamin A for Retinal Vein Occlusion

Vitamin A is used by the retina in the first parts of the vision pathway, mostly with night vision. Vitamin A is as well important in keeping your eye lubricated. Not getting enough vitamins A can lead to a dry ocular surface and difficulty to see in dim and dark lighting. Vitamin A, which helps to protect the cornea (surface of the eye). Considering taking a vitamin or supplement to treats Retinal Vein Occlusion. Natural vitamins for eyes health used to treat as Natural Treatment for Retinal Vein Occlusion and lessen the symptoms.

Carrots are rich in both Vitamin A and beta carotene. Beta carotene gives carrots their orange color. Vitamin A plays a vital role in vision. It is a component of a protein called rhodopsin, which helps the retina to absorb light. Some people with dry eyes discover these helpful to relieve symptoms.

Vitamins B for Retina of the Eye

B vitamins complex include B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, choline, biotin and folic acid. They can help to lower inflammation and therefore reduce vascular problems involving the retina of the eye. The major function of niacin vitamin B3 in your body is to help convert food into energy. It can also work as an antioxidant. It’s are best eye vitamins for blurry vision.

Vitamin C for Blepharitis

Vitamin C is a health powerhouse. Leafy green vegetables are rich in both lutein and zeaxanthin and are as well a good source of eye-friendly vitamin C. Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C. This vitamin can support the health of your blood vessels and help you absorb iron better. Vitamin C can as well lower your risk for developing blepharitis an eye problem. Vitamin C is a natural source of treat the eye condition and it is used as Natural Treatment for Blepharitis. As well to providing antioxidants, it can moreover help slow cataracts and provide needed natural vitamins for eyes health for macular degeneration. Vitamin C for eyes also supports the health of blood vessels in the eye.

Vitamin D for Eye Vision

Necessary for health, vitamin D is frequently absorbed through exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D improves bone and skeletal health. It can also be good for organ system function, cell regulation and the eyes. Vitamin D deficiency is linked to diabetes, which can impact vision and the eyes. It can be taken in supplement form.

Vitamin E for Eye Bags

Vitamin for eyes in fruits like carrots, sweet potatoes are rich in beta carotene. They are moreover a good source of the antioxidant vitamin E. Vitamin for eyes in fruits such as nuts and legumes, seeds are high in omega-3s and are a rich source of vitamin E. Nuts as well contains a high level of vitamin E, which can defend the eye from age-related damage. Vitamin E also protects the skin from sun damage which can also help delay the aging responsible for eye bags.

Vitamin E is accessible both in capsules and topical creams, but it’s easy to get plenty by eating the right foods. Vitamin E useful in Natural Treatment for Eye Bags and also prevent puffy eyes.

Vitamin K Dark Circles

Vitamin K deficiency is a general cause of dark under eye circles and puffy eyes. Not only does it strengthen veins and capillaries, it as well promotes healthy circulation and is necessary for proper blood clotting. Vitamin K is found in topical creams, but it’s easy to get plenty of these important nutrients in your every day diet. Leafy dark green vegetables such as spinach and kale are rich in vitamin K, as are Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage and avocados.

Home Remedies for Eye Health

A regular eye exam is the best way to defend your eyesight – and an easy provision to take. Natural vitamins for eyes health work together collectively in get better the eye health. Here are some home remedies for eye health to help maintain eye health as you age.

  • You're possibly using digital devices for hours each day at work and at home.
  • Stop smoking:  Smoking enhances your risk for a variety Smoking exposes your eyes to high levels of oxidative stress.
  • Getting regular eye exams, mostly if there is a family history of eye disease
  • Moreover, wearing a hat with a brim will greatly lessen the amount of UV radiation slipping around the side of your sunglasses.
  • Wash your hands carefully before taking contact lenses in or out. Remove your contact lenses before you go swimming.
  • Wearing contacts only for the period suggested by the doctor or manufacturer.
  • Wear protective glasses or goggles when playing sports that put your eyes at risk such as lacrosse, softball, baseball, and basketball and racket sports.

These are just some of the needed natural vitamins for eyes health. Vitamins may help in reducing the risks of macular degeneration and cataract. Natural vitamins for eye health can help to also slow the progression of poor night vision or even prevent this vision loss. Take your eye health to the next level by discovering the right healthy foods that get better eyesight and protect the eyes from vision conditions with this fast, fun, and easy vision improvement plan. Visit Herbs Solutions By Nature today! Vitamins are essential for good vision, particularly night vision, and for preventing the onset of early cataracts. Check our blog to know more about natural remedies for various diseases.

Monday 30 September 2019

Reduce Inflammation of the Eye with Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Blepharitis

Inflammation of the eye frequently results from an infection by viruses or bacteria. But inflammation of the eye can as well be nonspecific. When an eye is inflamed, it entails an inflammatory procedure around the eye. It can affect different parts of the eye. There is major problem of eye inflammation such as Blepharitis eyelid inflammation. Blepharitis is a common condition of eye inflammation causing red, irritated, flaky and sometimes crusted eyelids. This is inflammation of the eyelids, generally caused by malfunctioning of the oil glands in the lids that empty near the base of the eyelashes. Treatment of swollen eyelids inflammation depends on the underlying cause. Numerous conventional treatments contain artificial solutions or are recommended by a doctor. Though, there are several Natural Remedies for Blepharitis that can ease the symptoms and help to rid the body of blepharitis.

Home Remedies for Blepharitis

Blepharitis may be fairly troublesome and irritated and even worse, it can affect deeply your vision. Therefore, it is recommended that you should seek for natural remedies for blepharitis as soon as possible whenever you are diagnosed with eyelid inflammation. Or else, you can try several below natural remedies for blepharitis to treat this condition. Let's take a look at those helpful natural remedies for blepharitis.

Tea Tree Oil

A very useful essential oil can be used to treat blepharitis is tea tree oil. Component of tea tree oil can be very helpful in natural remedies for blepharitis and managing the signs and symptoms of blepharitis.

How to Use:

Mix some drops of tea tree oil into some carrier oils for example coconut oil or olive oil. But coconut oil is a best option.
  • Mix some drops of tea tree oil into some carrier oils for example coconut oil or olive oil. But coconut oil is a best option.
  • Dip a cotton ball in this mixture and gradually rub it on your closed eyelids.
  • Leave it be for 5 to 10 mins and repeat the whole process for 2 or 3 times a day till you notice the improvement.


Honey is antibiotic, antifungal and antiviral. It can be used to treat an extensive variety of diseases. The use of honey eye drops to help treat inflammation of the eye infections.

How to Use:
  • First cleaning your eyes.
  • Apply a small amount of honey to a q-tip and apply to the inner lower inflamed eyelid.
  • Leave it on for 5-10 minutes and then wash away.
  • Repeat nightly until the inflammation has cleared.
Black Tea Bags

Black tea bags help as a Blepharitis Natural Treatment because black tea has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activities.

How to Use:
  • Place the black teabag in boiling water so that it begins to steep.
  • Then wait for it to cool down.
  • Squeeze it to remove the water and place it on your closed eyelid.
  • Let the teabag rest over the inflamed eyelid for about 10 minutes then throw it in the garbage.

Cold Compresses

Cold compresses can reduce swelling in the case of eye injuries and infections of the eye.

How to Use:
  • Soak a cloth in cool water and softly apply it on your eyes.
  • You can also freeze a wet cloth in a sealable plastic bag for a few minutes before using it on your eyes.
  • Don’t press down hard on your eye or put ice directly on your eye or eyelid.

Castor Oil

Castor oil is among the best natural remedies for blepharitis. It can provide a speedy help from all the redness of the eye, irritation and inflammation fast.

How to Use:
  • Dip a cotton ball in some castor oil and apply it on your eyelid.
  • Also cover the surrounding area with a light layer of this oil.
  • Leave the oil on for the rest of the night.
  • You will get relief from the inflammation and pain in up to 2 days.
  • Repeat this remedy one time every night.

Aloe Vera

The soothing qualities of aloe vera are well-documented. It is for these reasons that aloe vera is also a reliable Natural Treatment for Blepharitis.

How to Use:
  • Extract the fresh gel from aloe vera leaf.
  • Gently apply this gel on your eyelid and leave it for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Gently remove the gel cleanse thoroughly with warm water.

Coconut Oil

One of the best useful remedies for blepharitis is coconut oil. It is a rich source of antioxidants, minerals, and is best known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

How to Use:
  • Apply a few drops of oil on inflamed eyelids.
  • Repeat the process two to three times a week or until you observe some improvements.

Eat Anti-Inflammatory Foods

To make sure ongoing eye health, make sure you are taking care of your overall health. Eat anti-inflammatory foods will help to improve blepharitis symptoms naturally by reducing systemic inflammation and treating conditions.

Omega-3 Foods

Omega 3s is an essential aspect of maintaining human health; from keeping joints moving to warding off depression. Omega 3 fatty acids help to keep the eyelids from drying out, which stops blepharitis from taking hold. So, it's a good idea to eat plenty of Omega-3 rich foods or take a 500mg supplement every day.

Healthy Fats

Foods like seeds, avocado, nuts, coconut oil and olive oil lessen systemic inflammation and help to heal the skin.

Organic Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables contain anti-inflammatory compounds and antioxidants. They also help to boost the immune system and rebuild healthy skin cells by providing important eye vitamins such as vitamins A, C and E.

Prevention Tips for Eye Inflammation

Preventing eye infections includes simple hygiene habits that reduce your chances of exposing your eyes to infectious bacteria, fungi and viruses. To prevent eye infections, always use the following preventative measures:
  • Avoid touching your eyes directly.
  • Avoid rubbing your eyes too much.
  • Wash your hands frequently, mostly after touching dirty surfaces.
  • Clean off makeup before bed.
  • Never share pillows, towels, handkerchiefs, etc.
  • If you use contact lenses, then always clean contact lenses and store them correctly.
  • Do not share cosmetics with others.
  • Avoid sharing eye makeup or makeup brushes with other person.
  • Wash your hands before touching your eyes.
  • Keep your eyeglasses and contact lenses clean and never share your cleaner.
  • Avoid swimming if you have eye allergy or eye infection.

If you are looking for the best way to treat blepharitis, then check out Herbs Solutions By Nature. This site offers natural herbal treatment for all chronic and refractory health problems. Uses high quality herbal extracts in form of tablets, which are easy to take, effective and safe for long-term use.

Thursday 11 July 2019

Natural Remedies for Keratosis Pilaris Reduce Red Bumps on the Skin

Natural Remedies for Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis Pilaris is a genetic disorder and skin condition that usually occurs in both children and adults. It is caused by the keratinization of the hair follicle, which will create small, red bumps on the surface of the skin. Numerous people refer to this as chicken skin or goose bumps and it affects up to 40% of the population. These bumps will commonly be found on the upper arms and thighs and they can often be located on the torso and cheeks. Most frequently, keratosis pilaris is linked with dry skin and it can be further worsened by allergies and asthma. It often gets healed by itself with age and is non-contagious. There is no treatment available for this skin infection, but Natural Remedies for Keratosis Pilaris are very useful in providing relief from the symptoms. In this article, you will get to know some simple natural herbal remedies to get rid of keratosis pilaris.

Like Natural Remedies for Keratosis Pilaris, you would have to go for these treatments regularly over a long period of time for you to be able to see any noticeable improvement in the way your skin looks as keratosis pilaris dissipates. There are a few natural remedies for keratosis pilaris advice that are often recommended by medical experts and natural remedy experts alike. Here are some of the all-natural ways by which you can treat your pilaris.

Home Remedies for Keratosis Pilaris

You can try out any one or all of these home treatments for your keratosis pilaris. There are other natural products in the market that you can use to take care of your skin problem yourself. Natural remedy experts also abound online to give you advice on the best keratosis pilaris home remedy. Since this skin condition is not life-threatening, you have time to do your research and find out which natural treatment would work best for you. Home remedies for keratosis pilaris can also be effective at alleviating the symptoms of this skin condition.

Vitamin E Oil Soak

Adding several tablespoons of Vitamin E oil to your bath water could help seal in the moisture in your skin and improve the appearance of your keratosis pilaris. Soak in this Vitamin E oil infused bathwater for about 20 to 30 minutes. Do not bathe or shower too long as you can strip your skin off too much oil and cause more dryness and irritation.

Argan Oil

Argan oil is non-greasy oil that nourishes the skin. It contains vitamin E that aids in maintaining a healthy and blemish-free skin. Argan oil is as well effective in healing wounds and scars. It very useful in Keratosis Pilaris Herbal Treatment reduces the symptoms.

Coconut Oil

You can utilize coconut oil in place of olive oil. It may be semisolid as you make a paste with the sugar but melts into a liquid with the heat from the skin. Rub on with a circular motion before or after a bath. Wipe off and rinse with water.

Olive Oil

The deep moisturizing ability of olive oil is useful in making the skin soft and lessens the embarrassing bumps. For this Keratosis Pilaris Natural Treatment, massage the affected areas using olive oil for a few minutes every day. In addition, olive oil’s vitamin E content will prevent dryness and promote healing.


Apply 3 or 4 Tbsp yogurt on the affected area and allow drying on the skin for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with a gentle soap. The lactic acid in the yogurt exfoliates the skin chemically. The milk fats may moisturize the skin.

Lemon Juice

The word lemon reminds us of detox, which is great for a healthy body. The acidic nature of lemon is great for the skin as well. Rub lime juice on your skin using lemon peel but be gentle with yourself.

Apple Cider Vinegar

It as well promotes healing and lessens the bumps on your skin in a short period of time. Take a little organic apple cider vinegar and apply it on the area affected by the small bumps using a cotton ball. Let it to dry on its own. Do this on a daily basis.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a superb Natural Treatment for Keratosis Pilaris as it helps clear the bumps of the skin and also provides necessary moisture to the skin. Massage some oil on the affected skin regularly for 15-20 days, to see the results.

Baking Soda & Salt

Mix the two together adding just enough water to make a paste. Apply on keratosis pilaris affected part and leave for 5-10 minutes. Rub well and wash off. Repeat 3-4 times a week. Baking soda has a minor chemical, action while the salt provides the rough power.

Diet to Help Keratosis Pilaris

To combat keratosis pilaris and its symptoms, just applying products and extracts externally is not enough. You also need to eat the right kind of foods. This will offer your body the required nutrients and antioxidants to fight skin conditions like Keratosis Pilaris better. Include these in your diet to improve skin health:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables. Have at least five servings in a day.
  • Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and lean meat.
  • Vitamin A and E-rich foods for example mangoes, pumpkins, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables etc.

Self-Care Tips

Some self-care tips help measures can stop aggravating the condition; however immediate cure is not possible by natural remedies.

The following measures can be helpful:

Don't Scrub: Don't scrub as it can irritate the skin and can aggravate the lesions.

Avoid Dryness: Avoid dryness of skin. After bath, gradually clean your body and face with a soft towel instead of vigorously rubbing. It helps to preserve the moisture content in the skin.

Honey Skin Cream: Creamy and amazing this is my go-to product. So easy to apply, this incredible moisturizer is perfect for everyday use. I can't recommend it enough.

Avoid Junk Foods: Junk foods are always a cause of numerous health problems. Try avoiding junk food, and you may be surprised that sometimes, it works better than applying medicated creams.

Take Care of your Digestion: Digestion problems can cause the non-absorption of essential vitamins and minerals, which can affect the skin in causing many skin problems. Try a dose of Probiotics and natural supplements.

Use Adequate Moisturizers: Use moisturizers frequently that contain petroleum jelly and glycerine to avoid dryness.

These are just some of the natural remedies for keratosis pilaris. Even though there is no real cure for this skin condition, these natural remedies for keratosis pilaris as well as others that may be suggested by dermatologists and skin doctors could serve well in trying to improve the skin's appearance and texture. Are you looking for more information regarding natural remedies for keratosis pilaris visit Herbs Solutions By Nature today.

Friday 12 April 2019

Natural Remedies for Emphysema Vitamins and Lifestyle Changes

Natural Remedies for Emphysema

Emphysema is a chronic disorder of lungs described by a loss of elasticity in the lung tissues. Considered as a part of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Emphysema disease manifests as a group of pulmonary problems leading to a difficulty in breathing. If you find yourself suffering from any of the following symptoms, feel free to check and follow these all natural remedies for emphysema for a safe and guaranteed treatment. Smoking is the most common cause of the condition and the best Natural Treatment for Emphysema disease is to quit smoking. However, you can also try our Natural Remedies for Emphysema to treat the condition at home.

The initial symptoms of emphysema are minor but may get inferior as the disease progresses. The most common symptoms of emphysema include:

  • Wheezing
  • Chronic cough
  • Tight feeling in the chest
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Shortness of breath
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Reduced stamina for physical exertion
  • Increased production of mucus

Therefore, if you find yourself suffering from any of the symptoms, it is wise choice to stick to natural remedies for emphysema as they are natural and can be used for long periods without risking your health.

Home Remedies for Emphysema

The simply known natural remedies for emphysema are a lung transplant, even though a small number of patients are healthy enough to undertake such extensive surgery. Lifestyle changes amongst patients of emphysema are commonly just 2-3 years and may be complicated by diagnosis of lung cancer or other permanent respiratory conditions.

The following are a few other exact natural remedies for emphysema that help for better breathing.

  • Mix onion juice 1/4 cup, honey 1 tablespoon and black pepper 1/8 tablespoon.
  • Combine licorice and ginger together. Take 1/2 tablespoon in 1 cup of water for help from emphysema.
  • Drink a glass of 2/3 carrot juice, 1/3 spinach juice, 3 times a day.
  • Add 30-40 leaves of Basil in a liter of water strain the leaves and drink the water throughout the day.
  • Freshly expressed garlic juice 10 to 15 drops with honey and warm water should be taken internally in emphysema.

Vitamins for Emphysema

Numerous vitamins can help those with COPD better manage their Symptoms of Emphysema, calm inflammation and stop severe damage. The best source of vitamins is often food, so make sure you’re including some natural sources of the following vitamins before choosing a supplement:

Vitamin A

A great driver of a healthy immune system, vitamin A is naturally found in salmon and other fatty fish, dairy, mangoes, squash, cantaloupe, carrots, broccoli and leafy greens.

Vitamin C

You can get a good dose of this inflammation-blasting vitamin from oranges and further citrus; dark, leafy green vegetables such as kale; broccoli; berries; and tomatoes.

Vitamin D

Several people particularly those with COPD are deficient in vitamin D. Some evidence shows that it can lessen exacerbation of the disease. Vitamin D is naturally found in egg yolks, yogurt, milk and cheese.

Vitamin E

This immune system booster can also aid protect against cell damage, and can be found in vegetable oils, poultry, cereals, meat, eggs, fruit and vegetables.

Balanced Diet

Nutritional deficiencies are more common in people with this disease because the disease puts a more demand on their energy levels and their regular diet can’t meet those demands. This can make the fatigue and low energy that comes with the disease even worse.

Your diet completely plays a vital role in curing any chronic disease, let alone emphysema. We strongly recommend you include a lot of fruits, vegetables, and minerals in your everyday diet.

Eat a healthy diet that boosts your energy:

  • Eat smaller meals more regularly.
  • Drink more water and less caffeine and alcohol.
  • Focus on more whole, plant-based foods and less sugar and processed foods.

Lifestyle Changes

If you have COPD it can help to make a number of important lifestyle changes, and Emphysema Natural Treatment is better options for reduce symptoms lifestyle changes include are:

  • Eating a healthy diet.
  • Avoiding smoky or dusty environments.
  • Making adjustments to your lifestyle and home environment to make sure plenty of rest.
  • Being as physically active as possible. If possible, attend pulmonary rehabilitation.
  • Keeping sufficiently hydrated to aid keep the mucus in your lungs runny and easier to cough up.
  • Quitting smoking – techniques can include ‘cold turkey’, counselling, nicotine replacement therapy and medicines that work on brain receptors. Indication shows that counselling, together with medical therapy, is most effective.

Herbs for Emphysema

Here are some of our recommended natural remedies for emphysema by using natural herbs: 


Chinese herb that speeds up the healing in the bronchial tubes and clears the lungs for better breathing.


An herbal mixture from Ridgecrest that promotes healing from shortness of breath and other respiratory-related symptoms.


Works within the Chinese belief that the kidney and the lungs are in interaction, and cordyceps produce excellent oxygenation for the kidneys.

Ephedra or Thyme

Ephedra or thyme is also great for respiratory orders. Be warned however, ephedra is not recommended for those suffering with anxiety, glaucoma, or heart disease.

Licorice Extract

They help enhance the energy levels and also better internal organ functions. Be careful not to overuse this though not more than 7 days in a row as it can quickly elevate blood pressure.

Other Useful Herbs

Herbs for Emphysema include are: Alfalfa, Fenugreek, Fresh Horseradish, Mullein Tea and Rosemary.


  • Observe and preserve your weight.
  • Hydrate yourself.
  • Be in a dust free environment.
  • Use a humidifier in your house.
  • Keep your house free of dust.
  • Use humidifier more often.
  • Divide your meals into small portions.
  • If you want to know how to get rid of mucus in throat, then try these natural remedies for emphysema.


  • Avoid sleeping with open windows
  • Don’t use too much salt
  • Steer clear of cough suppressants

We have found that active ingredients found in herbs can help restore the lung structure and function for patients with such degenerative conditions. Natural remedies for emphysema as vitamins, natural herbs, and lifestyle change are very helpful to treat COPD, Emphysema. The active ingredients found in the herbs are then carried by the blood stream producing an incredible healing effect in the body. There are numerous natural as well as home remedies that can lessen the symptoms and provide you relief. Want to find out more about most natural home remedies for Emphysema then visit Herbs Solutions By Nature site on how to choose the best natural remedies for emphysema for your needs.